How to pitch underhand in wii sports
- how to pitch underhand in wii sports
- how to throw underhand in wii sports
- how to pitch underhand in wii sports baseball
- how to pitch underhand in wii baseball › wii › wii-sports › how-to-pitch-underhand-in-base.
As for underhand, it is by holding on of the buttons when pitching.!
mrcod416 years ago#1
I am a pro in it and I can't win one game.I always turn off the system.
Any tips.
GT:mrcod6 PSN:anteatersPWN
Rsteube16 years ago#2
Don't swing at balls, and get better?
Philly53616 years ago#3
yea has my XP went up the computer started throwing more balls, so don't swing as much and throw harder throws for them
hjk199916 years ago#4
Tips for pitching hold A+B and you will throw a spliter ( Thats a pitch where you don't swing at it :P.) Hold A then you will throw a screwball ( You have to hit that one :P.) Hold B then you'll throw a curveball ( You should hit that one :P.) If you press the D pad right you'll throw it right ( You don't hit it.) If you press it left you'll throw it left ( Don't hit it :P)
Batting tips don't have any.
SteveStalfos16 years ago#5
My main problem when I reached pro was hitting the splitter, but once I was able to recognize it out of the pitcher's hand and lay off of it (because the splitter's almost always a ball) I began to win games easily.
- how to throw underhand in wii sports baseball
- how to throw underhand in wii baseball