What happens when the diaphragm relaxes
- how diaphragm help in inspiration and expiration
- how does diaphragm help in inhalation and exhalation
- is the diaphragm used for inspiration or expiration
- what happens to the diaphragm during inspiration
What happens to your diaphragm when you inhale.
Inspiration and Expiration
For the mechanism of Breathing the human should have the lungs and in that lungs, the inhalation and exhalation process mechanism is under the different Respiratory organs, etc the instrument used for measuring the volume of air involved in breathing is the spirometer
Respiratory Organs
Mechanisms of breathing differ for different groups of animals depending on their living and levels of the organization.
Lower invertebrates like sponges, and coelenterates, exchange O with CO, by diffusion process by their entire body surface.
Inhalation and exhalation process
Earthworms use their cocktails and insects have a tracheal tube to transport atmospheric air within the body, Special structures called gills branchial respiration are used by most aquatic arthropods and Mollusca whereas vascularized bags called lungs are used by the terrestrial forms for the exchange of gases.
Among vertebrates, fishes use gills whereas amphibians and reptiles. Birds and mammals respire through the lungs. Amphibians like frogs can respire through their moist skin.
Human Respiratory System
The hu
- diaphragm inspiration and expiration