5 sentence of because
- use because in a sentence
- use because in a sentence examples
- use because in a sentence as a subordinating conjunction
- use because in a sentence for kids
Simple sentences with because
Because sentence for class 2.
Examples of 'because' in a sentence
Examples from the Collins Corpus
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Overall the vending machine sold as many drinks because consumers switched to alternatives.
Because sentence for class 3
If we keep clean sheets we will win games because we can score goals.
Because what else are they gonna do?
Not because of the money but because he kept going on about me facing a massive penalty.
The option of share buybacks looks tricky just now because of notional losses on recent buybacks.
Because how many people at the clubs are actually that bothered about anything other than winning?Sentence of because for class 1
That is what you have to do, because the game is always changing.
Need we forfeit "jettison" just because we have "throw overboard"?
They were good choices because not many people know the second song.
It was a good place to be because no one else wanted to be t
- use since in a sentence
- use since in a sentence examples