French press water temp

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    Key Takeaways

    The Perfect Brew Time for Your French Press

    If you want to make the perfect cup of French press coffee, you should aim to brew it for 4-5 minutes.

    This is a general rule of thumb, but don’t worry if you need to adjust the time a bit based on your personal preferences and the type of beans you’re using.

    To ensure optimal results, start by using a coarse grind for your coffee beans.

    French press bloom

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  • This will help prevent over-extraction and bitterness that can occur with fine grinds.

    Another important factor is water temperature. The ideal temperature for brewing French press coffee is between 195-205 degrees Fahrenheit.

    Water that’s too hot can cause a burnt taste, while water that’s too cold can result in weak coffee.

    Finally, pay attention to your steeping technique.

    Let the coffee bloom for about 30 seconds before stirring gently and allowing it to steep for 4-5 minutes before pressing the plunger slowly and evenly.

    With these tips in mind, experiment until you find the perfect brew time for your French press coffee!

    The French Press: A Quick Overview and Why Brew Time

      how long french press time
      how long french press take

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